Individual predispositions and positive adaptation of children of alcoholics
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Online publication date: 2014-02-23
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 2013;1(1):11-25
Children of alcoholics have been the focus of both clinicians and scientists for years. Recent research undertaken from the perspective of developmental psychopathology has shown considerable variation of the investigated population, with clear emphasis on positive adaptation as the target developmental result. The aim of this study was to determine whether children of alcoholics showing positive adaptation are characterized by a specific system of individual predispositions.

Participants and procedure
The study involved 540 individuals in three age groups and two comparison groups: children of alcoholics and children from the control group. The research model assumed risk assessment, assessment of positive adaptation and estimating individual predispositions that are important from the point of view of the problem.

The results confirmed the hypothesis that children of alcoholics cope well with the developmental requirements, and – despite the number of adverse life circumstances – are featured by a more favourable combination of individual predispositions.

The population of children of alcoholics is varied. Accordance with the multifinality, in addition to clear susceptibility to psychopathology, characterized by a positive adaptation, dependent on personality factors.
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