Key factors for successful solving of mathematical word problems in fifth-grade learners
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Submission date: 2014-02-28
Final revision date: 2014-03-25
Acceptance date: 2014-03-25
Online publication date: 2014-05-16
Publication date: 2014-05-15
Health Psychology Report 2014;2(1):27-38
Difficulties in solving mathematical word problems (MWP) are one of the most common reasons for weak mathematics performance, and poor mathematical literacy has important implications for an individual’s further education, employment opportunities, mental health and quality of life in today’s modern technological society.
The purpose of the study was to examine whether Slovenian good and poor MWP solvers differ in arithmetic knowledge and skills, non-verbal reasoning, pupils’ self-evaluations of MWP abilities, teachers’ assessment of their mathematical knowledge and what strategies fifth- grade learners use in solving MWP.
The larger sample included 233 pupils from 14 fifth-grade classes (mean age 10 years 3 months) and 14 teachers. On the basis of the teachers’ opinions and the results of MWP solving two sub-samples of 24 students were formed, good and poor MWP solvers. Several tests were used to determine MWP solving ability, automation of arithmetic facts and procedures as well as Raven’s SPM. Questionnaires for pupils were used to assess pupils’ estimations of MWP tasks’ difficulty, their own ability to solve them and the strategies used. To assess pupils’ knowledge a questionnaire for teachers was used.
Slovenian 5th graders in the larger sample generally used very few empirically proven effective cognitive and metacognitive strategies to solve MWP. Pupils with lower achievement in solving MWP, compared to pupils with higher achievement demonstrated significantly less automated arithmetic facts and procedures of the algorithm, less flexible use of arithmetic skills, as well as qualitatively different MWP solving, which is also related to their lower non-verbal reasoning. Teachers’ assessments and pupils’ self-assessments matched the achieved test results.
The results exposed important key factors for successful solving of mathematical word problems with significant implications for learning, teaching and professional training. Improving mathematics literacy in the Slovenian school system requires greater consideration for strategy teaching and motivational factors.
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