POZNAŃ, 21.09.2018 - 22.09.2018

Roland Reitsamer

       Professor Reitsamer completed his studies at the Medical University Innsbruck and performed his postdoctoral studies at the University Clinic Innsbruck, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics. He moved to the University Clinic Salzburg and specialized in breast surgery, oncoplastic breast surgery and breast reconstruction, and breast cancer treatment. He completed study visits in Europe and USA, and published more than 80 papers in peer reviewed journals. He is the director of the Breast Center Salzburg at the Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg.

Raghavan Vidya

       Dr Raghavan Vidya is a Senior lecturer at Birmingham University and Consultant Oncoplastic breast surgeon at Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust. She qualified in medicine at the University of Madras, India in 1990. She did research on aromatase inhibitors at Edinburgh and completed higher surgical training in Wessex and West Midlands. In 2004, she was awarded the Nuffield Chase Breast & Oncoplastic Surgery Fellowship when she visited the Emory University, Atlanta, USA. In 2007, she was awarded the prestigious traveling scholarship from the Association of Breast Surgeons where she spent some time at the world renowned Memorial Sloan Kettering hospital in New York. Dr Vidya is actively involved as a faculty in National and International meetings. She has founded the Innovations and Advances in Breast Surgery and organised the first International Prepectoral Breast Conference. She has introduced and mentored new innovations including muscle sparing implant based breast reconstruction. She is a National member of ABS breast academic Group and National Chemotherapy and Pharmacy Group, part of NCRN. She is actively involved in clinical trials and has special interest in new technology and advances in breast surgery.

Zoltán Mátrai

       Dr. Zoltán Mátrai is the head of the Center for Surgical Oncology and the lead of the Dept. of Breast and Sarcoma Surgery at the National Institute of Oncology, Budapest, Hungary. He is a specialist in oncoplastic breast cancer surgery and reconstructive plastic surgery. The National Institute of Oncology is a comprehensive cancer center accredited by the European Organization of Cancer Institutes. Dr. Mátrai graduated as a doctor of general medicine in 1999, and later specialised in general surgery (2006), thoracic surgery (2008), clinical oncology (2010) and burn and plastic surgery (2013). He is a fellow of the European Board of Surgery in Surgical Oncology and Breast Surgery and holds a postgraduate academic degree (PhD). Dr. Mátrai is a member of the educational and Training Committee of the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO), regular examiner in Surgical Oncology and Breast Surgery exams and president of the Hungarian Society of Oncology. He is the National Coordinator of Hungary in the Oncoplastic Breast Consortium, and together with Prof. Dawid Murawa, he established the Central-eastern European Breast Cancer Surgical Consortium in 2017.

Jean-François Honart

       Dr. Jean-François Honart is a senior plastic surgeon in Gustave Roussy Hospital, which is a leading cancer centre for breast cancer care in France, where he is a specialist in the treatment of breast cancer and breast reconstruction. He is specialized in prosthetic and autologous breast reconstruction, microsurgery and oncoplastic surgery.
He is also organizer of one of the main International Breast congress in France : Paris Breast Rendez Vous.

Paweł Pietrzak

       Paweł Pietrzak Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon,
Honorary Consultant Breast Surgeon for Public Health Wales Breast Screening Program

W 2001 roku ukończył Wydział Lekarski Akademii Medycznej w Białymstoku, a następnie w 2009 studia specjalizacyjne w zakresie Chirurgii Ogólnej. W 2011 roku podejmuje prace w Brest Unit, Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Cardiff. Pozycja ta umożliwia mu kontynuowanie i dalsze kształcenie w zakresie chorób piersi ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem chirurgii onkoplastycznej piersi oraz współprace ze światowej klasy ekspertami jak prof. R. Mansel.
W 2016 roku podejmuje prace jako Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon w Breast Unit Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board w Swansea oraz współpracę z Walijskim programem profilaktyki raka piersi.
W obrębie szczególnego zainteresowania zawodowego pozostaje organizacja i koordynacja pracy współczesnych ośrodków chorób piersi oraz wykorzystanie leczenia neoadjuvantowego w chirurgicznym leczeniu raku piersi. Aktywnie uczwestniczy w pracach lokalnego Breast and Gyne Cancer Reaserch Group oraz w prowadzonych badaniach klinicznych jako lokalny PI. Jest członkiem ABS (The Association of Breast Surgery- UK) i ESSO (The European Society of Surgical Oncology).