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vol. 70 abstract:
Fluorescence diagnostics of dental erosion
Iraida Sarycheva
Oleg Yanushevich
Dmitriy Minakov
Online publish date: 2017/04/30
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In this article the prospects of applying the method
of laser-induced fluorescence to the diagnostics of dental erosion at the initial stages has been investigated. It was found that at the initial stages of erosion development, the fluorescence intensity of eroded enamel was considerably higher than that of the intact enamel (no less than by 50%). Absorption spectrum of the affected enamel was observed to differ significantly from absorption spectrum of the intact enamel, as the localization of the main peaks changed significantly. To prove this hypothesis, investigations were performed in vivo on 60 patients at the early stage of erosion according to the preliminary clinical examinations. Fluorescence spectra of dental enamel were obtained from the intact and eroded areas of a tooth. Fluorescence spectrum from the intact area of a tooth was used as an indicator of spectral changes caused by pathological processes. These investigations were carried out using the method of LIF (laser-induced fluorescence). Also, the analysis of IR reflection spectra of dental enamel was performed for the extracted teeth in vitro. This made it possible to reveal deviations in stoichiometry of the chemical components forming the composition of dental enamel. The obtained results are very important for the investigation of mechanism of dental hard tissues fluorescence as well as for the prospective practical application of the method of laser-induced fluorescence to the diagnostics of dental erosion at initial stages. |