ONLINE, 25.11.2020 - 28.11.2020


Oral Presentation sessions: a group of talks within a theme by individual participants. Eight presentations of 10 minutes each (including questions and answers) will be scheduled in parallel sessions of 90 minutes.

E-Poster sessions: provide the opportunity for presenting novel methods and findings and include discussion on-site. e-posters will be sorted by theme. Each e-Poster will be on display via the search engine, including a dedicated e-Poster session to each theme.

Please make your e-poster using the following guidelines:
- File format: JPG or PDF, one slide
- 9:16 vertical ratio
- Resolution: 1080:1920
- Font size: at least 8p
- Author’s name and work title to be included in file name

EACD General Management Committee and the Local organizing team have decided to change the date to send a e-poster the 32nd EACD Annual Meeting in Poznan, Poland. The new date is 30th September 2020.

Instructional Courses: didactic sessions of 90 min in the morning with at least 2 instructors addressing a focused theme or method with appeal to a targeted audience. Examples are new assessments, investigations, techniques, treatments etc. The courses shall be interactive and practical.

Mini Symposium: provides a state-of-the-art overview of research evidence and clinical application of a theme that is relevant and innovative. At least 3 presenters with a multidisciplinary background will present in a 90 min session that includes 15 minutes for discussion with the audience. Mini symposia involving stakeholders, including patients and families, and related to the motto of the conference will be favored.

All accepted presenters must register for the conference before April 01, 2020. Presenters not registered by this date will not be included in scientific program.

250 Selected abstracts (Oral and e-Poster sessions) will be published in Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. Following the conference, the selected abstracts will be made publicly available on the DMCN website in pdf-format. All accepted abstracts will be published on the conference website and will be available through a digital app during the conference.

Please do not submit an abstract if you are not confident that you will be able to attend the conference and make the presentation. If your presentation has been accepted but extenuating circumstances prevent your attendance, we ask that you attempt to find another individual to make the presentation and notify us of this change as soon as possible at contact@eacd2020.org. If cancellation becomes absolutely unavoidable, please contact us immediately at the aforementioned email address so we can remove your presentation from the conference program.

Abstract submission indicates acceptance of and compliance with the rules outlined below:
Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the presenting author(s) to attend the conference and present the findings, i.e., that each one of the proposed participants has given his/her consent for the proposal and is committed to participate. If accepted, the presenting author(s) is required to pay all costs associated with the conference.
All authors have consented to be included as co-authors, have read and approved the abstract and its contents, and agree with the results stated, that all authors are acknowledged of and agree with the abstract submission rules, and permit the abstract, if accepted, to be published as submitted. The responsibility of such agreement is within the firs/presenting author.
The submitting author of an abstract for Oral or e-Poster presentation is considered to be the presenting author.
The work described is original to the authors and was conducted in accordance with current ethical standards and regulations in biomedical and clinical research.
It is expected that all research involving human subjects or animals has been approved by the appropriate ethical review authorities.
Abstracts must be unbiased and conflicts of interest shall be disclosed. Papers that are written in a manner that promotes a company, service, or product will not be considered.
Submitted abstracts may not be previously published or presented at other national and foreign meetings; this condition is only for submitted free papers.
For questions and information, please write to: contact@eacd2020.org

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