eISSN: 2299-0046
ISSN: 1642-395X
Advances in Dermatology and Allergology/Postępy Dermatologii i Alergologii
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vol. 35
Original paper

Allergic phenotypes in adult patients with atopic dermatitis, determined with the ISAC test (ImmunoCAP ISAC)

Milena Wojciechowska
Magdalena Żbikowska-Gotz
Luiza Marek-Józefowicz
Michał Przybyszewski
Jacek Gocki
Zbigniew Bartuzi

Adv Dermatol Allergol 2018; XXXV (4): 351–359
Online publish date: 2018/08/21
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Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis, often with a concomitant allergy. The ImmunoCAP ISAC (Immuno Solid-Phase Allergen Chip) test is a novel method to determine the allergenic phenotype in a given patient.

In this study, we used the ImmunoCAP ISAC test to analyze allergic phenotypes in adult patients with AD.

Material and methods
The study included 19 adult patients with AD. The severity of AD was assessed using SCORAD index. Serum concentrations of total IgE were determined by means fluoro-enzyme immunoassay (FEIA). The levels of asIgE were measured with the ImmunoCAP ISAC kits.

Positive results of the ISAC test were documented in 84.2% of the study subjects. All patients synthesized asIgE against species-specific respiratory allergens; major components of animal allergens (57.87%), tree pollen allergens (47.3%), grass pollen allergens (42.1%), dust mite allergens (26.3%) and major allergen of mugwort (26.3%). 47.3% of the subjects were sensitive to cross-reactive allergenic components, most often proteins of the lipocalin family (57.8%), followed by PR-10 (26.3%), PR-14 (21%) and PR-5 proteins (21%). asIgE against species-specific allergens were found in 10.5% of the study subjects. No statistically significant relationships were observed between the severity or duration of AD and the prevalence and levels of asIgE against the allergens included in the ISAC panel. However, duration of AD correlated significantly with the serum concentration of total IgE.

The ISAC test is suitable for determination of the allergenic phenotype in a given patient, and as such has an unquestioned diagnostic and therapeutic value.


atopic dermatitis, ISAC test, component-resolved diagnostics

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